Tips for Self Reflection:

  • Be honest with yourself

  • Set aside time to sit and think

  • Remove distractions, or remove yourself to a quiet place

  • Determine your core beliefs and values; these will dictate your actions and behaviours

  • Journal regularly to identify patterns in your thoughts and actions

  • Forgive yourself when you make mistakes

  • Rather than punish yourself, determine what did you learn?

Self Reflection Questions:

  • What have been the best moments in your life so far?

  • What have been your biggest mistakes? What have you learned from them?

  • Which past experiences are you most thankful for?

  • If you could reverse time, what would you change and do differently? Why?

  • What’s the most exciting thing you have ever experienced?

  • When was the last time you took a risk? What happened?

  • What’s the bravest thing you have ever done?

  • What encouragement would you give to yourself in the past?

  • If you had the opportunity, what would you tell your childhood self?

  • Which things felt important to you ten years ago no longer matter to you now?

  • What’s your favourite childhood memory? Why does that one memory stick out the most?

  • What challenges have you fought and overcome in your life?

  • What are your top priorities right now?

  • What takes up the majority of your time?

  • Do you like your job?

  • How do you spend your spare time?

  • How would you like to spend your spare time?

  • What thoughts distract you when you’re trying to get to sleep?

  • What in your life aren’t you able to control? What can you do about that?

  • Which three things are more important to you than anything else?

  • How have you stepped out of your comfort zone this week/month/year?

  • What are your proudest moments from this last week/month/year?

  • What were your biggest lessons from this last week/month/year?

  • How can you create more personal time for yourself this week/month/year?

  • What’s going to bring you enjoyment this week/month/year?

  • What aspects of life are you loving most right now?

  • What does your ideal/dream life look like?

  • What’s on your bucket list?

  • What do you see yourself doing work-wise in five years’ time?

  • If you had the chance, what would you tell your future self?

  • If you only had one year left to live, what would you do?

  • If you had more time to do what you love, what would you do?

  • What makes you feel optimistic about the future?

  • If you could only use five words, how would you describe yourself?

  • What are your strengths? Your weaknesses?

  • What are you most grateful for?

  • What keeps you grounded?

  • What do you find yourself complaining about the most?

  • What topics could you talk all day about?

  • What did you say yes to this week/month/year that you probably should have said no to?

  • Which qualities do you most admire in others that you wish you had yourself?

  • How can you show more gratitude?

  • What is the most common negative thought you have about yourself? What would the positive version of it be?

  • What good habits do you have? Which good habits would you like to adopt?

  • How much time this week/month have you spent on caring for yourself?

  • Are you your own best friend or your own worst enemy?

  • When was the last time you cried and why?

  • What makes you feel energised and refreshed?

  • What makes you laugh or smile?

  • What’s your favourite self-care activity? Why do you enjoy it so much?

  • Which relationships matter to you the most?

  • Are there any toxic relationships in your life that you need to remove?

  • Which past friendships do you miss the most? Why?

  • Whose opinions do you value the most? Why is that?

  • What qualities do you most admire in others that you wish you had yourself?

  • Who looks up to you the most? Why do you think that is?

  • Which relationships are you happy with?

  • Which relationships are you neglecting?

  • Who has had the biggest impact on your life to date?

  • Who has disappointed you the most? How did they disappoint you?

  • What motivates you?

  • Who inspires you the most? Why is that?

  • Name one thing do you want to achieve this year more than anything. How can you make this happen?

  • What is stopping you from achieving your goals?

  • What actions can you take this week/month/year to get you closer to your goals?